How BRC-Canada participation can simplify and accelerate
There is a growing trend in the Canada for corporations and institutions to purchase renewable energy directly from developers in a practice called off-site non-utility procurement. This allows buyers to meet carbon compliance requirements or sustainability targets, and has the potential to hedge electricity costs and contribute to local economic development.
Offsite non-utility procurement refers to the acquisition of off-site renewable energy, along with associated environmental attributes, by corporate entities and other non-utility buyers such as universities or government agencies. This procurement is commonly achieved by way of virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs).
Alberta is the perfect place in Canada for such non-utility renewable energy procurement. The province is rich in natural resources, including wind and solar, with an experienced energy sector. Alberta also has a deregulated electricity market that gives buyers the flexibility to enter into contracts directly with energy developers.

What is the Business Renewables Centre-Canada?
BRC-Canada is a community where businesses can learn how to source renewable energy directly from developers. BRC-Canada is a non-profit initiative seeking to catalyze the market for non-utility procurement in Canada to grow renewable energy development in the country.
The community has over 55 participants — and is growing. Our spring and fall webinar series regularly attract several hundred attendees from a diverse range of companies, non-profits and government or municipal organizations.
BRC-Canada makes it easier for corporations to enter the renewable energy market by raising awareness and understanding about the procurement process and sharing lessons from active players. We publish primers and guides, host networking and training opportunities and provide access to ongoing market intelligence.
These tools, resources and guidance help first-time buyers up the learning curve so that they successfully complete their deals faster, easier, and more cost effectively.
Why should I be interested?
Community participants have access to an expanding suite of benefits: tools and resources, BRCC-exclusive events, training and networking opportunities. Participants are categorized as either buyers, intermediaries or developers at a gold, silver or non-profit levels.
The non-profit participation category was established in 2022 to enhance access, equity and inclusion. If you are unsure whether your organization qualifies for this category, please email*
Participation levels
- Access to BRCC-exclusive resources, products and tools
- Access to BRCC-exclusive events
- Some sponsorship, speaking and co-marketing opportunities
- Access to BRCC-exclusive resources, products and tools
- Access to BRCC-exclusive events
- Priority sponsorship, speaking and co-marketing opportunities
- Opportunities to be featured in spotlights and case studies
- Fill a seat on the BRCC board (if available)
- Access to BRCC-exclusive resources, products and tools
- Access to BRCC-exclusive events
- Some sponsorship, speaking and co-marketing opportunities
- Participation on board committees, when possible
Buyer | $5,000/year | $10,000/year | $2,500/year $1,000/year for student groups Fees waived for Indigenous entities |
Intermediary | $5,000/year | $10,000/year | - |
Developer | $10,000/year | $20,000/year | - |
*The non-profit level welcomes Indigenous organizations, First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, government agencies, renewable energy co-ops, youth and student organizations, and post-secondary institutions.