What We Do

BRC-Canada is a community where buyers can learn how to source renewable energy directly from renewable energy project developers. Building on the successful experience of the Business Renewables Center in the U.S., BRC-Canada is a non-profit initiative seeking to catalyze the market for non-utility procurement in Canada to grow renewable energy development in the country.

BRC-Canada makes it easier for corporations to enter the renewable energy market by sharing the hard-earned lessons of the early movers in the U.S. and Canada. We host BRCC-exclusive events to bring veteran renewable purchasers and deal-makers together with those exploring the opportunity.

We publish primers and guides on such topics as Power Purchase Agreement accounting and deal structures. We provide access to ongoing market intelligence through the Deal Tracker, annual reports, events and webinars, blogs, newsletters, and more. These tools help first-time buyers advance swiftly up the learning curve to make informed procurement decisions, and complete their deals faster, more easily, and more cost effectively.
The BRC Story
Business Renewables Centre-Canada launched in 2019 to work with industry experts to accelerate the uptake of renewable energy by the commercial and industrial sector.
Our Goal
To help corporations and institutions procure 10 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030.
After five years of observing the success of the Business Renewables Centre in the U.S., BRC-Canada launched in 2019 with the goal of bringing together renewable energy buyers, sellers and intermediaries (counsel to help broker deals; e.g., lawyers, accountants) to execute large-scale wind and solar energy transactions. Our team, including leaders from BRC-Canada’s founding companies, realized there was an opportunity to provide community-based educational resources to simplify and accelerate the uptake of renewable energy in Canada.
To have the most impact, BRC-Canada decided to focus on Alberta’s deregulated energy market, where organizations can buy energy directly from sellers without going through a centralized utility. Since 2019, we have provided tools and resources to community participants seeking to reduce their emissions and meet organizational net-zero targets.
As a result, BRC-Canada’s community is behind the biggest growth in corporate renewable energy deals in Canada’s history. Deals announced since 2019 will support $3.75 billion of new construction by 2023, as well as nearly 4,500 new jobs. This growth is significant for Alberta’s economy and shows that our community participants are leaders in Canada’s renewable energy transition.
In May 2022, BRC-Canada passed the original goal of achieving two gigawatts of renewable energy almost three years earlier than expected. Our new goal is for corporations and institutions across Canada to purchase 10 GW of renewable energy by 2030.
By working with organizations to assist them in purchasing renewable energy, BRC-Canada has and will continue to play an important role in decarbonizing Canada’s energy grid and making it emissions-free by 2035.
Our Team

Jorden is a strategic manager focused on accelerating the energy transition. Before joining BRC-Canada, Jorden worked at Mount Royal University's Institute for Environmental Sustainability. His work focused on industrial environmental disclosure, industry response to the energy transition, and scaling a Parks Canada initiative.

Program Manager
Carson is a senior analyst with BRC-Canada. He previously worked at Morningstar Sustainalytics, focused on leveraging technology to support the growth of green bond second-party opinions and corporate ESG services. He also has experience in process optimization and mechanical design engineering across various sectors.

Senior Analyst
Margret is a senior analyst with BRC-Canada. She recently completed her master's degree in sustainable energy development from the University of Calgary. As a graduate student, she worked with the Government of the Northwest Territories to formulate a climate adaptation inventory focusing on strengthening the territory's energy and transportation system.

Senior Communications Lead
Hanneke supports BRC-Canada’s strategic communications and brand management, while also keeping our community up to date on news and upcoming activities. She previously worked as the Edmonton Journal’s environment beat reporter and then with the Alberta government on creative sentencing in environmental prosecutions.

Strategic Partnerships Lead
As Strategic Partnerships Lead, Sam works to grow and develop the BRCC community. Sam holds a bachelor's degree in English and history from the University of Ottawa. Outside of work, she enjoys scary movies, travelling and waiting very patiently for the TTC.

Operations Lead
Shannon serves as an operations lead at the Pembina Institute, leveraging a diverse skill set in business operations, including office management, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, human resources, communications and project management. Before joining the Pembina Institute, she dedicated her career to supporting vulnerable populations through work in educational settings, housing communities, health and wellness initiatives, and advocacy efforts.
Advisory Board

Special Advisors

Professor, University of Calgary Department of Physics and Astronomy
Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon directs the University of Calgary’s MSc in Sustainable Energy Development, is an expert panel member for Clean Growth with the Canadian Climate Choices Institute, sits on the boards of Emissions Reduction Alberta and the Pembina Institute, and is co-host of the Energy vs Climate podcast. As the previous director of Clean Economy for the Pembina Institute, Dr. Hastings-Simon was the founding director of BRC-Canada.

Vice President of Programs, Clean Energy Buyers Association
Mark started working in the European renewable energy sector in 2007 and, after moving to Canada in 2010, has worked with renewable energy projects across the technology spectrum, and with all levels of government across the country. Mark is also a principal at Rocky Mountain Institute, a U.S.-based think tank dedicated to transforming global energy use, where he leads the BRC-China initiative.
Join BRC-Canada
Community participation for renewable energy buyers, developers and intermediaries are available at silver and gold levels.