Key Drivers for Canadian Renewable Energy Market PPAs
September 21, 2023 10:00 am
- September 21, 2023 11:30 am
- Virtual

For buyers only: Marathon Capital's managing director of Offtake Advisory, Joan Hutchinson, will discuss the key drivers in the Canadian market for renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) and the impact of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This includes:
• supply & demand dynamics,
• drivers of renewable energy costs and impact on PPA prices,
• key terms in PPAs to balance risk and price, and
• ITC impact on project economics and PPA value.
Joan Hutchinson
Managing Director, Offtake Advisory, Marathon Capital 
Joan Hutchinson has over 25 years of experience in North American energy markets and renewable energy project development. Before joining Marathon Capital, Joan was Vice-President of Origination and Business Development at Lincoln Clean Energy, LLC, where she led efforts for wind, solar, and storage projects resulting in over 1,600 megawatts of transactions in three years, including many power purchase agreements with first-time corporate buyers.
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Thank you to EDF Renewables, RES Group and BluEarth Renewables! Our event programming would not be possible without the support of our sponsors.