Improving Wind Generation with Data: A Partnership for Improved Wind Modelling
August 24, 2023 10:00 am
- August 24, 2023 11:00 am
- Virtual
This webinar will detail a proposal to develop a novel online browsable database for Alberta renewable energy developers to de-risk their investments and projects for specific subregions of the province, for both wind and solar energy. The database will go beyond what is already offered by traditional province-wide wind and solar resource maps, and will offer detailed analyses of wind persistence, power generation, and turbine/solar panel icing potential for specific locations and areas, with an eye toward limiting factors such as power transmission junction points. In addition, the development of a new machine learning based operational prediction model for icing events and their severity will be proposed.
Ian Turnbull
Senior Scientist, C-CORE
Ian Turnbull's work with C-CORE is focused on modelling ice environments and dynamics. His recent work included generating an ice and metocean climatology database for offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, analyzing ice-related barriers to offshore Newfoundland and Labrador energy resources development, and assessing the feasibility of using floating offshore wind turbines to power the oil and gas platforms offshore Newfoundland on the Grand Banks as means of carbons emissions reduction.
Thank You to Our Sponsor
Thank you to EDF Renewables! Our event programming would not be possible without the support of our sponsors.